Moruroa and Us
01.09.1997: Polynesians' Experience during Thirty Years of Nuclear Testing in the French Pacific
Moruroa and Us
During the last thirty years thousands of Polynesian men and boys worked at Moruroa and Fangataufa, the two atolls in the Pacific where France conducted its nuclear tests. A curtain of silence has so far existed around their experiences, motivations and anxieties.
In this report a representative numberr of former workers and islanders living in the vicinity of the test-sites speak out. Their hidden histories and problems are revealed.
Eine englischsprachige Publikation von Pieter de Vries und Han Seur.
Hrsg.: Centre de Documentation et de Recherche sur la Paix et les Conflits, Lyon, 224 Seiten
Preis: 12,00 €
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