The Frieda River Mine and the Threat to the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea

18.06.2019: Aktuelle Studie von Jubilee Australia

Jubilee Australia and Project Sepik released a new report today about PanAust’s proposed Frieda River Mine project in Papua New Guinea’s Sepik region. The report, The River is Not Ours, is an investigation of the project’s environmental and social impacts and the views of local communities regarding the mine.

The report is a collaboration between two organisations: the Australian-based Jubilee Australia and the Papua New Guinea-based Project Sepik. It is largely based on the findings of an awareness tour of riverside villages conducted by seven team members from Project Sepik.

The report raises questions about the project’s potential impact on the important Sepik River, one of the largest uncontaminated freshwater wetland systems in the region. The mine will rely on the Sepik river for access, transport and tailing dispersal.If approved, the mine could have serious environmental and social impacts for the 400,000 indigenous people who rely on the river for their food, drinking water and transport.

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