Swim against Plastic

01.03.2019: Rekordversuch: Schwimmende Umrundung der Osterinsel

In March 2019, we are embarking on a journey to inform, learn, inspire, and quite possibly create a world record.

South African endurance athlete, Sarah Ferguson, will attempt to become the first person ever to swim the entire perimeter of iconic Easter Island.

Our mission is to use this event to raise awareness about plastic pollution and inspire the world to rethink their plastic use.
Easter Island, or Rapa Nui as the locals call it, is one of the most treasured places on Earth, valued for its rich history, culture and world-famous Moai statue heads. As such, it is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Despite being one of the most remote inhabited locations in the world, the island is in peril at the hands of plastic pollution, while also facing major waste management challenges due to a massive growth in tourism that is producing 20 tons of waste per day.
