Fijian Interim Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama: Fiji's youth call on you to include our voice in the Mining Act review now

01.04.2014: Online-Petition von avaaz

Hier geht es zur Online-Petition:

Neo liberalism politics drives the economic policies of Fiji's interim regime and threatening much more than the fabric of Fijian life.

Policies and regulation governing and protecting Fiji's natural resources and indigenous way of life have been weakened - some speculating - that these are sure indicators of ensuring free and open access to Fiji's mineral resources. However, very little room is provided for public consultation and input into the design and amendments of laws. The current review of Fiji's mining act is a glaring example.

No calls for public consultation were made, although public officials of Fiji's Mineral Resources Department and the American Bar Association consultant that worked on the draft law has been interviewed by Fijian media.

As those who stand to inherit the resources and implications/impacts of present policies, approaches to economic development and who will have live in the future Fiji, young people are demanding that their voices are heard and incorporated in decision making now.

Our future in an environmentally secure Fiji is at stake - we must be heard now! Please sign the petition and join us in calling on the interim Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama to open up spaces for public discussion and submission on the Mining Act Review.